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(WR150) LANDROID L 20V 4.0AH ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER (1/2 ACRE)Grass is being cut unevenly


Grass is being cut unevenly

Try this solution

Try adding more hours to the mowing schedule.

Possible cause:
Landroid does not work enough hours per day to cut the grass.

There are 3 ways you can adjust the time settings (the step-by-step guide is for option 3).

Depending on the growth rate of your grass, you may want Landroid to work a little harder or a little less. You can adjust the working time in percentage increments and Landroid will recalculate its working time automatically.

1. Turn on the mower and insert PIN code

2. Press the ↑(A) key or the ↓(B) key to adjust the working time in 10% increments. Landroid will now automatically calculate a revised working time.

Landroid is factory set to automatically start at 09:00am each day, but you might want to adjust this. To do this follow the step-by-step guide.

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